- So. 06. October 2024, 18h. Neanderkirche in Düsseldorf, Germany
new piece for Irene Kurka and Daniel Gloger
- Sa. 17. February 2024, Deutschen Oper Berlin, Tischlerei
"BETA" premiere of the opera, libretto: Christiane Mudra
- Su. 04. February 2024, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Germany
New piece for Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart as a part of "ECLAT-2024" Festival link
- Sa. 04. November 2023, 19h DALV-Symposium Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Premiere: "Vanillasong #2" for accordion solo link
- Fr. 03. November, 19:30, ДК Рассвет, Москва, Столярный пер., 3к15
"silently the river silently" in the frame of the Gnesin Contemporary Music Week link
- Sa. 14. Oktober, 22 Uhr, Radialsystem Haale, Holzmarktstr. 33, Berlin, Germany
"I don’t know whether the Earth is spinning or not..." as a part of the project "The Tower of Babel" with Klangforum Wien. In frame of "Voices" festival link
- Th. 28. September – Su. 1. Oktober, 20 Uhr, Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz, Berlin, Germany
Premiere of the song "Ich denke ich bin...", Text: J. CS Frank for soprano, vibraphon and piano as a part of "Novoflot: OpernCall: Die Harmonielehre #2, Operninstallation link
- Tu. 19. September 2023, 20h «Я не знаю, Земля кружится или нет» ГЭС-2, Moscow, Russia
"I don’t know whether the Earth is spinning or not..."
singer: Elene Gvritishvili, conductor: Fedor Lednev link
- Fr. 18. August 2023, 19h Амфитеатр "Под небом", Saint-Peterburg, Russia
#dariyasongs solo-concert