Work list


Name Text Instrumentation Lentgh Premiere Ensemble


BETA - investigative music theater (90 min)

Text: Christiane Mudra 

Instrumentation: 3 actors, Mezzo Soprano, Koloratursopran, Bass, piano + Cembalo, voilin, viola, doublebass, percussion.

Premiere: 02/17/2024, Tischlerei Deutsche Oper 


Fragilities (19 min)

Instrumentation: Piano, Percussion, objects and electronics 
Premiere: 06/14/2024, Kunststation Sankt Peter, Köln 

Performer: Maminova Project


Gemeinsam (20 min)

Text: Rosa Ausländer

Instrumentation: two singers

Premiere: 06.10.2024, Neanderkirche, Düsseldorf 

Performer: Daniel Gloger, Irene Kurka


Semantic hallucinations (7 min)

Text: Maria Kuvshinova

Instrumentation: Soprano, alt, tenor, bass

Premiere: 11.11.2024, Helikon-Opera, Moscow

Performer: Ensemble N'CAGED


Suddenly from the tree (7 min)

Text: Georgy Ivanov/Paul Reps

Instrumentation: Voice, Piano, Percussion, Violine, Cello, Flute, Clarinette

Premiere: 10/12/2024, International Mugham Center in Baku, Azerbaijan 

Performer: MCME ensemble


Serenade for Uli (4 min)

Text: Afanassi Fet

Instrumentation: Voice, Violine, piano, Cello, Percussion

Premiere: 08/30/2024, Studio Musikfabrik, Köln

Performer: Musikfabrik


Continuums (30 min)

Text: Cia Rinne, Maria Barnas, Vera Burlak, Luljeta Lleshanaku, Deryn Rees-Jones

Instrumentation: 2 sopran, mezzo, countertenor, tenor, bariton, bass

Premiere: 02/04/2024 Eclat Festival, Stuttgart Theaterhaus

Performer: Neue Vocal Solisten Stuttgart


Vibraphone Vanilla songs

Instrumentation: Vibraphone


Ich denke ich bin (3,30 min)

Text: Jo Frank

Instrumentation: Sopran, Vibraphone, Piano

Premiere: 28.09.2023, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Performer: Ensemble "dissonArt"


Microsongs (10 min)

Text: Vera Burlak, Luljeta Lleshanaku

Instrumentation: Sopran, Countertenor, Bariton, Bass

Premiere: 3.2.23, Eclat Festival. 

Performer: Neue Vocal Solisten Stuttgart


Sehen (8 min)

Instrumentation: Trio Accordion

Premiere: 11.03.2023, Kammermusiksaal Händel-Haus, Halle

Performer: Triolade


Vanilasong #2

Instrumentation: Accordion

Premiere: 04.11.2023, Frankfurt am Main, DALV Symposium



Ich heb dir die Welt aus Angeln - music theater 

Text: Kathrin Herm Änne-Marthe Kühn Marina Frenk

Instrumentation: Synthesizer, 3 voices

Premiere: 12/14/2022, Neuköllnoper Berlin

Performer: Neuköllnoper Berlin


Inanas death (10 min)

Instrumentation: Flute, Cello, Voice, Piano

Premiere: 10/08/2022, Alte Feuerwache Köln

Performer: BRuCH Ensemble


Ripple (Rus: Zyb, 15 min)

Instrumentation: Flute (+ alto flute), Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Percussion, Piano, Harp, Accordion

Premiere: 06/12/22, GES-2, Moscow

Performer: MCME ensemble


SMALL AND BEAUTIFUL (short and sweet, 10 min)

Instrumentation: E-Violin, E-Guitar and Electronics

Premiere: 12.02.22 Tanzfaktur Köln

Performer: Duo SegoTal


The Shell / Die Muschel II (5.30 min.)

Instrumentation: Prepared Piano

Performer: Florence Millet

CD Production



Melchior (10 min.)

Text: Edward Thomas (1878- 1917) und Boris Pasternak (1890-1960)

Instrumentation: 2 Synthesizers and samples

Premiere:  02.10.21, Kölner Philharmonie

Performer: Sebastian Berweck, Jan Gerdes


Microstories about tenderness (10 min.)

Instrumentation: E-Violin and Minimoog

Premiere: 17.09.21, WDR Funkhaus Köln

Performer: Duo Weirich/Löffler


Der natürliche Ort (12 min.)

nstrumentation: Violin, Flute, Cello, Clarinet, Percussion + Installation

Premiere: 12/18/21, Live Stream

Performer: Hand-Werk Ensemble


Gebrochene Zeit (10 min)

Instrumentation: Harp and Percussion

Premiere: 01.10.21, Lutherkirche Südstadt, Köln

Performer: Duo Vertigo


The Sonnengott (20 min.)

Text: Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843)

Instrumentation: Flute, Violin, Viola, Doublebass, E-Guitar, Piano

Premiere: 04.07.21 Gräflicher Park Bad Driburg

Performer: Kollektive 3:6 Köln


one moment (8 min.)

Text: Robert Lax (1915-2000)

Instrumentation: Sopran, Flute, Cello, Piano

Premiere: 06/27/21, Alte Feuerwache Köln

Performer: BRuCH Ensemble


There is no one here / Niemand (4 min.)

Text: Dariya Maminova

Instrumentation: 8 portable speakers, 2 dancers

Premiere: 07/24/2021, Open air, Bielefeld



Margeritenwiese (8 min.)

Text: Amy Levy (1861-1889)

Instrumentation: Voice, Viola, Clarinett, Sax, Trombone, Melodica

Premiere: 04/23/2021, Wittener Tage für neue Musik

Performer: Ensemble Garage


The Shell / Die Muschel I (3 min.)

Instrumentation: Prepared Piano

Performer: Florence Millet

CD Production


Silently the river silently (8 min.)

Text: Paul Reps (1895-1990)

Instrumentation: Voice, Trompet, Piano, Percussion. (1 player), E-Guitar., 2 Violins, Viola, Cello, Doublebass

P remiere: 07/02/2021, HfMT Köln

Performer: Ensemble Musikfabrik


Vanillasong / Vanilla (10 min.)

Instrumentation: Violin, Cello, Piccolo and Melodica, Bassclarinet, Melodika; + Multimedia (Video and Audio)

Premiere: 12/07/2021, International Festival “Time of Stravinsky”



I don't know whether the Earth is spinning or not (8 min.)

Text: Velimir Khlebnikov (1885- 1922)

Instrumentation: Voice, Violin, Viola, Tuba, Trumpet, Cello, E- Guitar, doublebass, Percussion, Piano, Electronics

Premiere: 06/28/2019, HfMT Köln

Performer: Ensemble Musikfabrik


Maminova/Beethoven: “Wonne der Wehmuth” - (after Beethoven Op. 83 No. 1) 6 min.

Text: Goethe (1790-1832) 

Instrumentation: Mixed Chore (8 voices) and Piano


Cassandra (4.30 min.)

Text: Louise Bogan (1897- 1970)

Instrumentation: Fixed Media (Audio 8 Channel)

Premiere: 12/17/2019, HfMT Köln


Musik zur literarischen Lesung “Jenny, Effi, Franziska - Fontanes Frauen” (30 min.)

Text: Theodor Fontane (1819-1898)

Instrumentation: Piano, Vibraphone, Flugelhorn, Voice and speaker

Premiere: 05/12/2019, Festival “Wege durch das Land” Detmold

Performer: Maminova Poject, Norbert Sterz


Emptiness (12 min.)

Text: Dariya Maminova

Instrumentation: Guitar Quartet and Electronics

Premiere: 28.11.2019, “Werft” Festival, Alte Feuerwache, Köln

Performer: Cologne Guitar Quartet


Multidimensional space (8 min.)

Instrumentation: Prepared piano

Premiere: Orleans, France

Performer: Thibaut Surugue


Meander (4 min.)

Instrumentation: Vibraphone and voice

Premiere: 03.10.2020, HfM Detmold

Performer: Maminova Project


The State of Time / The State of Time (10 min.)

Text: A. Tufanov (1877-1943)

Instrumentation: Voice, alt flute, Violin, VIola, Cello

Premiere: 06.09.18, Festival “AvantGarten Liedberg” Liedberg, Germany

Performer: Hand-Werk Ensemble


There is not just one path in the field / There is not just one path in the field (11 min.)

Text: Russian traditional song

Instrumentation: 13 wind instruments and voice
Voice, Flute I, Flute II, Oboe I, Oboe II, Clarinett in b, Bass Clarinett, Bassoon I, Bassoon II, Horn in FI, Horn in F II, Trumpet in b, Trombone, Tuba

Premiere: 05/01/2018, “8 Brücken Köln” Kölner Philharmonie

Performer: Orchester HfMT Köln, Dariya Maminova - voice


Kammeroper: "Freiberg" Das Kind" (20 min.)

Text: Libretto: Markus Gille

Instrumentation: Chamber opera for 3 singers and big Ensemble
Soprano, Soprano, Soprano, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn in F, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Piano, Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

Premiere: 11/10/2018, HfM Leipzig

Performer: Studioproduktion der HfM Leipzig


Microstories (8 min.)

Var.1: Fl., Cl., Violin, Cello, Perc. marimba //
Var. 2:Fl. + alto, Cl., Horn, Perc., Pno., Vln, Vla, Cello //
Var. 3: Alto Sax, Perc., Pno, E-guit., Vla, Gamba or cello //
Var. 4: Fl., Alto Sax., Vln., Cello, E-guit., Perc., Piano

Premiere: 12/18/2018, exhibition “Juliao Sarmeno: WITHOUT” Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Performer: Vertixe Sonora


Sieben Marienlieder mit Hyäne (9 min.)

Text: Ulrike Almut Sandig (*1979)

Instrumentation: Piano, violin and speaker

Premiere: 17.10.2017, HfMT Köln

Performer: Students of the HfMT Köln


Vanilla (4 min.)

Instrumentation: Accordion

Premiere: 06/27/2017 Frühling-Sommer, Hf MT Köln

Performer: / ...prostranstvo... (8 min.)


Instrumentation: Mix Chor a cappella

Premiere: 03/27/2016, Saint-Petersburg Suvorov Memorial Museum

Performer: Students of the HfMT Köln


a still small voice (17 min.)

Instrumentation: Accordion orchester

Premiere: 05/21/2016, Theatersaal Worms
